Anti-Bullying Stance

St Joseph’s is committed to the provision of a safe and supportive environment free from harassment and intimidation which promotes personal growth and positive self-esteem for all, both in and out of the classroom. 


The National Safe Schools Framework (2011) defines bullying as repeated verbal, physical, social or psychological behaviour that is harmful and involves the misuse of power by an individual or group towards one or more persons.


“…any form of bullying that utilises technology such as instant messaging, online chat rooms, online bulletin boards and email.  In many ways this is a more insidious form of bullying since it may reach into a victim’s home. In other words, technology now allows the bully to inflict psychological harm on his or her victim anywhere and anytime without respite” (Schools and the Law – Des Butler and Ben Matthews, p. 46).

Responsibilities of Staff

  • To model appropriate behaviour at all times.
  • To deal with all reported and observed incidences of bullying as set out in this policy.
  • To report incidences of bullying to the Principal.
  • To ensure that students feel and understand that they have been heard.
  • To watch for signs of bullying amongst students.
  • To build a sense of respect for each individual within the school community.
  • To nurture a sense of goodness in students.
  • To give time and support to students who report instances perceived by them as ‘bullying’.
  • Document all reported incidents and their follow up on Compass.
  • Follow the school’s policy and procedures on anti-bullying.
  • Monitor student understanding of anti-bullying policy and processes through the conduct of an annual survey.
  • Evaluate the policy annually.
kids picking berries

Responsibilities of Students

  • To ‘tell’ if they are being bullied or if they feel someone else is being bullied – both at school and on the way to and from school.
  • To help someone who is being bullied - to provide support for an individual.
  • To not bully others.
  • To respect the judgement of teachers when assessing ‘bullying’.
  • To respect themselves as individuals and as part of a loving and encouraging community.
  • To respect the viewpoint of others and to strive to empathise and understand that no one viewpoint has absolute authority over another valid, positive viewpoint.
  • Accept responsibility for one’s own behaviour, to own your problems.
  • To not deflect choices of behaviour onto others.
  • Follow the school’s policy and procedures on anti-bullying.
  • Have an understanding and awareness of what constitutes bullying.

Responsibilities of Parents

  • To work with the school community to encourage good (God) values of respect and tolerance of individuality.
  • To understand that conflict is a normal part of relationships.
  • To distinguish between relationship conflicts and ‘bullying’.
  • To participate in the annual evaluation of the anti-bullying policy and processes.
  • To watch for signs that their child may be bullied.
  • To speak to someone on staff at the school if they suspect their child is being bullied.
  • To instruct their children to ‘tell’ if they are bullied.
  • To support the procedures outlined in this document.